Why choose SS Cleaning Services?

Cleaning is easy, but to achieve a long term stable performance with a reasonable budget and non-compromised quality is always a challenge. SSCS has the key

Hotspot Area Recognition

For commercial cleaning services, fast and precise hotpots recognition over service zone is the first thing to do before carrying out cleaning service.

Hotspots can be determined by claimed priority, traffic, dirt buildup speed or the request from the customer.

Also hotspots can be defined by catalogs such as bio-waste, chemical waste, grease waste, wet waste or dust waste.

Waste priority levels:
Chemical waste > Bio-waste > Grease waste > wet waste > dust waste


Grade and Group Hotspots

Cleaning on hotspots weights 60% of entire cleaning work.

Hotpots with different priorities need to be graded. Hotspots with different contamination need to be grouped. Such as dry or wet surface? With or without grease? Containing bio-waste or not? etc..

Hotpots with biohazard need to be grouped separately with exclusive tools.

Set Up Efficient Schedules for Hotpot Cleaning (HC)

SSCS grades and groups hotspots with different service catalogs and applies different service schedules.

Hotspots contain wet surface with injury risk need to be attended with top priority.

Hotpots with potential biohazard or bio-waste have level-1 priority and service frequency.

Hotpots with wet, grease waste have level-2 priority and service frequency.

Hotpots with dry dirt have level-3 priority and service frequency.

Comprehensive Rollout Cleaning (CRC) is The key

Most of cleaning companies only eye on HC while ignore the importance of CRC.

CRC means the cleaning team carries out a comprehensive cleaning work on all reachable places, regardless those places can be obviously seen or hidden inside corners. After CRC, over 95% of all reachable places are handled and cleaned.

There are many places within a complex with less access, less attention and less notice. Small dirt like dusts, gravel, insect bodies, cobwebs and smoke grease build up slowly in those hidden areas. Without CRC, those buildups never get removed and will become noticeable after a while and then become hard to address in a short period of time.

Balance Between HC and CRC

It will be more efficient to have 2 independent cleaning teams to look after HC and CRC separately. While If the staffing is limited by the budget of the customer, the balance between HC and CRC or the time allocation within 1 cleaning team will determine whether or not the quality cleaning work can be delivered.

And also, consider that carrying out HC and CRC requires different tools and the locations are variant as well, designing a better arranged work map for HC and CRC is equally important as the time/staffing allocation.

Normally, time/staffing allocation between HC, CRC and Checking is 6:3:1.


Less Checking, More cleaning

Cleaning work cannot be accomplished solely through inspections. If a cleaning company assigns too many personnel for inspections or patrols, it will inevitably result in a shortage of manpower for actual cleaning.

A good cleaning company will design an efficient cleaning plan that incorporates the function of inspections within the plan itself. If routine inspections reveal that many areas do not meet the cleanliness standards, it indicates that the cleaning plan itself is either unreasonable or incomplete.
The correct approach is to redesign the cleaning work plan based on the inspection results rather than only call staff every time to cleaning the areas below standards.

Always remember, to make a place clean can only be done by cleaning itself, not checking. 

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Cleaning is easy, but to achieve a long term stable performance with a reasonable budget and non-compromised quality is always a challenge. SSCS has the key